2024 Erasmus+ Info Day in Turkmenistan

Event | 23/01/2024

On January, 20 the Institute of International Relations (IIR) of Turkmenistan hosted the Erasmus+ Programme Information Day. The event was organised by the Erasmus+ National Office in Turkmenistan (NEO) with the support of the Ministry of Education in Turkmenistan. The aim of the conference was to provide the information on the opportunities of the Programme in 2024 for the cooperation prospects of Turkmen and foreign universities in the framework of international educational projects, as well as academic mobility programmes.

Welcoming the Conference participants, Gulshat Yusupova, IIR Vice Rector, highlighted the need to develop collaboration with European and Central Asia universities under Erasmus+ Programme as such partnerships promote the development of Turkmenistan education towards sustainable future.

Aуna Chorekliyeva, Coordinator of the Erasmus+ National Office in Turkmenistan noted that the higher educational sector of Turkmenistan is developing on a completely new technological basis, and the participation of Turkmen universities in international projects opens up a wider range of opportunities for the introduction of digital educational environment and innovative technologies in the learning process. In 2024 all activities of the Programme will be targeted at expanding educational opportunities for young people: students and teachers will be able to improve their knowledge in prestigious European universities adding new dimensions of their professional development.

During the meeting, the representatives of the NEO provided detailed information of the Erasmus+ 2024 Programme Call and its important components:

- for the development of co-operation between universities in CBHE (Capacity Building in Higher Education) and ICM (International Credit Mobility) projects to strengthen the potential of higher education and attracting new academic staff

- for young teachers and graduates to engage in research activities in Erasmus Mundus Programme (EMJM/EMDM)

- for universities in Jean Monnet Actions (JMA) projects to study best practices of the European Union, political, economic and social transformations taking place within the EU.

Erasmus+ opens doors of many European universities to participants, giving them opportunities to study, intern or teach in other countries. Given the extensive experience of the Programme in the field of education, vocational training and youth, Turkmenistan is particularly interested in developing cooperation with European universities.

More than 150 representatives of higher education institutions administrators, teachers and students of the Turkmen universities took part in the Information Day.

Photos: orient.tm