This Key Action supports:
Transnational Strategic Partnerships aimed to develop initiatives addressing one or more fields of education training and youth and promote innovation, exchange of experience and know-how between different types of organisations involved in education, training and youth or in other relevant fields.Certain mobility activities are supported in so far as they contribute to the objectives of the project;
Knowledge Alliance between higher education institutions and enterprises which aim to foster innovation, entepreneurship, creativity, employability, knowledge exchange and/or multidisciplinary teaching and learning;
Sector Skills Alliances supporting the design and delivery of joint vocation training curricula, programmes and teaching and training methodologies, drawing on evidence of trends in a specific economic sector and skills needed in order to perform in one or more professional fields;
Capacity Building project supporting cooperation with Partner Countries in the fields of higher education and youth. Capacity Building projects aim to support organisations/institutions and systems in their modernisation and internationalisation process. In certain eligible Partner Countries mobility activities are supported in so far as they contribute to the objectives of the project;
- Budget allocation, regional and national priorities budget-allocation-regional-and-national-priorities-3.xls (135 kB)
IT support platforms, such as eTwinning, the European Platform for Adult Learning (EPALE) and the European Youth Portal, offering virtual collaborating spaces, databases of opportunities, communities of practice and other online servies for teacher, trainers and practitioners in the field of school and adult education as well as for young people, volunteers and youth workers across Europe and beyond.
Capacity building will replace what used to be financed under Tempus, Edulink and Alfa, i.e. joint projects based on multilateral partnerships to fund curriculum development and modernisation, new diplomas, modern teaching and learning practices, upgrading of facilities and equipment, improving university governance and management, and creating better links between higher education and the world of work. This action will also finance projects aiming to have an impact on national systems, through the involvement of national authorities, alongside universities. This action is centrally managed by EACEA. Applications to EACEA may come from institutions in a Programme Country or a Partner Country.
Strategic Partnerships and Knowledge Alliances
Strategic Partnerships foster quality and innovation in HEIs through stronger cooperation with enterprises, research organisations, social partners etc. This is done through the development of new curricula and programmes, and the use of new techniques and resources for learning and study. This action is open to participation from higher education institutions worldwide, though only institutions from Programme Countries can submit applications to their National Agency.
Knowledge Alliances promote structured, long-term cooperation between HEIs and enterprises. They facilitate knowledge flows between education and enterprise, stimulate entrepreneurship and develop multidisciplinary curricula responding to business needs.
This action is open to participation from higher education institutions worldwide, though only institutions from Programme Countries can submit applications to EACEA in Brussels.
Universities from Partner Countries will be able to take part in this two initiatives under Erasmus+, on the condition that the project demonstrates a very clear added value that the Partner-Country participation brings.
For more information on all three actions: