Objectives and mission of the HEREs The purpose of the National Teams of Higher Education Reform Experts is to provide a pool of expertise in order to promote reforms and enhance progress in Higher Education in the countries concerned and therefore participate in the development of policies and reforms in Higher Education in their respective country. |
The mission of the HEREs is threefold: - support policy development in their respective countries by supporting modernisation reform processes and strategies in Higher Education, in close contact with the local authorities concerned and in particular as regards for instance curriculum development, modernisation of governance, management and functioning of higher education systems and institutions, strengthening relations between the higher education sector and the wider societal and economic environment, etc. - support policy dialogue with the EU in the field of Higher Education possibly in synergy and coordination with the various policy platforms established under the Erasmus+ programme or other potential initiatives established by, and under the guidance of, the European Commission. - support Erasmus+ and former EU programmes projects by disseminating their results and outcomes, notably best practices and innovative initiatives and exploiting them for modernisation and development purposes. Geographical scope - HERE teams will be established in some of the Partner Countries eligible for participation in the Higher Education Capacity Building actions, in particular in the neighbouring area (Eastern Europe and Southern Mediterranean), the Western Balkans and Central Asia and Russia. |
Tasks at international scale 1. National institutions which have need of specific counseling or expertise which is not available from the National Higher Education Reform Team of its own country may, via the National Office Erasmus+, request advice or in-situ assistance from Higher Education Reform Experts of another country. 2. From time to time the Commission may invite the national authorities tornational level training courses intended for other Experts who are actively involved in the promotion of Higher Education reforms in their own country. Such courses may be undertaken as plenary meetings involving members from all Higher Education Reform National Teams, or for specific groups of National Teams where synergies or logistics make such an approach preferable. |
Tasks at national level Higher Education Reform Experts will participate in the development of policy and reforms deriving from the Lisbon and Bologna agenda in their country. They may also be invited to devise Lisbon or Bologna development strategies with non-academic bodies such as industrial, cultural or social organizations as long as they are in line with national strategies. |